Sunday, 16 June 2013

me and the tragedy I faced.

Hi, I’m Tiffany. I’m 20 years old. I am a college student who’s not so sure what she’s supposed to do with her life. And this is the start of something new. I want to share the good, the bad and the in between.
So to start off I guess I should share my current situation. About two months ago I was writing my last final, packing and saying goodbye to my friends for the summer. I decided to move home for the summer, I would get to spend time with my mom and dad, and see the rest of my family a little more. Well that was the plan at least the part I had control of. But my plan changed on May 16th 2013. Me and my friends had been planning a camping trip for the long weekend for months now. We were all excited. My parents offered to pay for some of the expenses, more specifically some of the food for the weekend. On the Wednesday before we had planned to go me and my dad talked, he was having a good day, he spent most of the day downtown, he visited his friends at the coffee shop, and he picked some things up from the store for the house. That night he came home and we talked about my issues with boys, he joked about me and my ex-boyfriend and the non-existent first date I had had. He told me that he wanted me to have a special first date and he said that because no guy had stepped up to the plate he would take me on a date the next day. It was sweet of him and I was excited, because I was going to spend the whole next day with my dad, it was a day just for us. We were going to go do the shopping for camping and then we were going to have dinner together. Then I was going to start handing out resumes. On Thursday morning I slept in because I had an upset stomach. I didn’t wake up to an alarm, I woke up to my mom yelling at me to come down the stairs, I was annoyed and frustrated that she wouldn’t leave me alone, I just wanted to sleep some more. I came down the stairs, and when I reached the bottom she yelled and said my dad wouldn’t wake up, I ran back up the stairs and called 911. I was talking to the operator and she told me what I had to I had to start giving my dad cpr. But when I got him onto his back it was already too late, I started doing CPR, but he had been gone for too long. The Paramedics arrived at about my 6th compression. I ran as fast as I could, I didn’t know where I was going I just needed to run. I made it a few houses down and my mom’s best friend was on her porch, she ran down to see what was happening, what feels like hours later but in reality was like 2 minutes she came back and she shook her head at me because he was gone. My dad was gone, my best friend, my hero, gone. And now I don’t even know how to explain the pain, anger and loneliness I feel. And I don’t know how much more I can handle.

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