Friday, 4 October 2013

the big 21

So tomorrow is my 21st birthday. It feels like Ive had a lot of birthdays over the years, so its not like its super exciting or anything. But it is a little awesome cause its a pretty big birthday to be celebrating. But in reality tomorrow will be a little bittersweet, someone very special wont be here to celebrate with me. My dad died from a massive heart attack in May. Since I left for college he usually calls me and says happy birthday, and that has always been enough. This year  I will miss that call greatly, I will also miss him smashing cake into my face. A family tradition, which one day will be done to each of my kids for as long as they celebrate their birthdays with me.

On a happier note I am pretty lucky this year I get to spend my birthday with some pretty special people, in the morning I am helping out with a fundraising yard sale at 666 Gibralter Street in Delhi, Ontario. Which at I will get to spend time with 4 of my nieces. If your in the area you should Check it out!, all the proceeds are going to pay for a Cranial Reshaping helmet for my 7 month old niece. Come out and support a great cause, there will be a variety of stuff for sale and some yummy cupcakes for 25 cents. And if you don't live in the area and are willing to donate even just a dollar to the cause, donations can be made at BMO bank, the account information is Transit # 23182 Institute # 001 Account #8991054, if you want more information check out this facebook page . At dinner my grandpa is taking me and my aunt out for dinner for our birthday! Then in the evening I am going to spend some time with my friends and boyfriend.

Well happy Birthday to all the others who share the 5th of October as a birthday.


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