Monday 25 November 2013

Danny Lee

About 21 years ago I met this man, a wonderful man, a man who loved me the moment he set his eyes on me. This man was not just any man, he was a man I would love with all my heart, this man was my father. 

This man would be the man who wiped away my tears, take away my fears, and provide me with all I needed to be me. This man would give up things just to see me happy. This man would do just about anything for me. This man would never let me starve or go without a home. This man taught me things no other man could. This man would take me fishing and teach me how to drive. This man would be the man my future husband would get permission to make me his bride. This man would be called grandpa by my children. This man would walk me down the isle one day. This man would always bring a smile to my face. This man had a kind and loving heart. He loved those around him in ways I can't even express. This man died too soon. This man broke my heart. But no matter what I will live this man forever and ever until we meet again.

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