Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A little rant

So yesterday was thanksgiving here in Canada!! One of my favourite holidays ever! Lots of yummy food and pie! 

So each year my family gets together at my parents house (now just my mothers) for a yummy turkey dinner. This year Jim one of our borders asked if he could make the turkey, I gladly handed to task over to him because it's the hardest of all the food, Melissa my sister in law helped me with all the vegetables, and I made the pie. 

Before people could come over I had to clean my kitchen, living room and dining room because it was a mess. It took me a few hours to get everything cleaned. Then I went right on to start cooking all the food. In all I spent 7 hours cleaning, prepping, preparing and serving. Then as I sat down to eat I was still working because the pies had to be baked and finished in order for us to have dessert. Everyone came down to eat the food, then as soon as it was time to get to work cleaning up everyone disappeared except for me and Melissa. So two hours after we ate dinner were still not done the cleaning. Then after we finished the majority if the dishes and put all the food away we decided we were finished our part of the task. 

This morning I woke up and figured hey I'll have some leftover then get some stuff I have to do done. Well that ceased to happen because as soon as I got up I realized no one had touched the clean dishes let alone start washing the other ones. So again today I've spent two hours cleaning my house, which isn't even close to being done.

I guess the frustrating thing is that I live 5 adults older than 30. And I only ever get help from one of them. I'm starting to get overwhelmed with stress because I'm doing way more than I should be all on too if looking for a job, spending time with friends and my boyfriend and sleeping which has become so little that it's making me sick and even more stressed.

Friday, 4 October 2013

the big 21

So tomorrow is my 21st birthday. It feels like Ive had a lot of birthdays over the years, so its not like its super exciting or anything. But it is a little awesome cause its a pretty big birthday to be celebrating. But in reality tomorrow will be a little bittersweet, someone very special wont be here to celebrate with me. My dad died from a massive heart attack in May. Since I left for college he usually calls me and says happy birthday, and that has always been enough. This year  I will miss that call greatly, I will also miss him smashing cake into my face. A family tradition, which one day will be done to each of my kids for as long as they celebrate their birthdays with me.

On a happier note I am pretty lucky this year I get to spend my birthday with some pretty special people, in the morning I am helping out with a fundraising yard sale at 666 Gibralter Street in Delhi, Ontario. Which at I will get to spend time with 4 of my nieces. If your in the area you should Check it out!, all the proceeds are going to pay for a Cranial Reshaping helmet for my 7 month old niece. Come out and support a great cause, there will be a variety of stuff for sale and some yummy cupcakes for 25 cents. And if you don't live in the area and are willing to donate even just a dollar to the cause, donations can be made at BMO bank, the account information is Transit # 23182 Institute # 001 Account #8991054, if you want more information check out this facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/199061500271207/ . At dinner my grandpa is taking me and my aunt out for dinner for our birthday! Then in the evening I am going to spend some time with my friends and boyfriend.

Well happy Birthday to all the others who share the 5th of October as a birthday.
